Why I Want to Attend the 2017 NBA AGC – Osagiede Ilobekemen Vera

Osagiede Ilobekemen Vera
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I wish to attend the National Bar Association,Annual General Conference This is  because The Nigerian Bar Association offers a great platform for the growth of young lawyers and I’m convinced that it will be very informative and educative for a young lawyer like me.

Attending the National Bar Association Annual General Conference would be a rare opportunity to interact with my Seniors at the Bar and help learn professionalism and integrity of the profession.

I’m very sure attending the National Bar Association, Annual General Conference would enable me venture and prepare for full time practice of the profession as a new wig.

I’m eager to listen to the lectures that will be given at the Conference and  put the knowledge gained into good use and this would also inspire me to face the challenges that comes with being a new wig.

I hope to employ the gains of the  General Conference to contribute  to the growth of the profession.

Osagiede Ilobekemen Vera

NBA Branch: Olley Branch


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