A one day Public Hearing on the following Bills: Legal Practitioners Act Cap, LFN 2004 (Repeal And Re-enactment) Bill, 2021 (SB.815); Legal Education (Consolidation, Etc.) Act L10, LFN 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2021 SB.820); and Legal Aid Council Act. 2011(Amendment) Bill. 1 2021 (SB.560), has been scheduled to hold on Monday, 15th November, 2021.
These three bills before the Senate are very important to lawyers and should form the center of discussion in lawyers groups and among legal practitioners.
Specifically, there should be questions such as:
- What are the contents of these bills?
- How would they impact legal practitioners?
- What can be done to ensure that what is presented would serve the best interest of lawyers, etc.
A public hearing pre supposes that lawyers are welcomed to attend and to make suggestions and proposals.
Below are some of the highlights from the proposed Bill to repeal the LPA 2004 that may be of interest to legal practitioners
The most outstanding provisions are the radical changes that the Bill has introduced with regards to the composition and responsibility of the Body of Benchers.
- In addition to their responsibility for the Call to the Bar of eligible candidates, the Body shall be responsible for taking all measures to maintain the traditional values and wellbeing of the legal profession and exercise of disciplinary jurisdiction over members of the legal profession.
- The following additional persons are also proposed to be added as members of the body of benchers:
Senate President, (where he is a lawyer);
Speaker of the House of Representatives (where he is a lawyer);
The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Judiciary (where he is a lawyer);
The Chairman of the House Committee on Judiciary (Where he is a lawyer);
- Other provisions in the bill are:
– Establishment of the Office of the Secretary and Secretariat for the Body of Benchers with elaborate functions.
– Mandatory one year pupillage and elaborate provisions for handling of pupillage by body of benchers, including establishment of pupillage division, handbook etc
– Increase in the years of Eligibility for Rank of SAN from 10 years to 15 years post call
– Inspection and Accreditation of law offices
Download the Bills below
[embeddoc url=”https://dnllegalandstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Legal-Practitioners-Act-Cap-L11-LFN-2004-Repeal-and-Re-Enactment-Bill-2021-SB.815.pdf”] [embeddoc url=”https://dnllegalandstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Legal-Aid-Council-Amendment-Bill-2020-SB.560-1.pdf”] [embeddoc url=”https://dnllegalandstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Legal-Education-Amendment-Bill-2021-SB.820.pdf”]