This is to notify you of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the National Association of Catholic Lawyers (NACL) holding as follows:
Date: Wednesday, 27th October, 2021
Venue: (Hybrid) Corpus Christi Cathedral, 1 Kaduna Street, Dline, Port Harcourt/Join Zoom Meeting
Time: 3pm prompt
1. Opening prayer & Exhortation
2. President’s address
3. Adoption of minutes
4. Matters arising
a. Ministry of interior guideline
b. Arbitration
c. CBCN guideline
5. Secretary’s report
6. 2022 Work plan
6. Treasurer’s report
7. Committees’ report
8. Reports from Arch/Dioceses
9. AOB
10. Adjournment
11. Closure
Note that all COVID-19 protocols shall be observed for physical presence.