According to FIDA Ekiti, Justice Taiwo Taiwo of the Federal High Court sitting in Ekiti State has sentenced one Ayan Olubumi to two years in prison with an option of N500,000 fine for exposing his ex girlfriend’s nude picture on facebook.
Read the report from FIDA Ekiti:
In The Case of AGF Vs Ayan Olubumi involving a cyber crime wherein the Defendant posted the nude pictures of his former girlfriend after the relationship went sour on the Facebook.
The prosecution called four(4) witnesses to prove its case against the Defendant.
Mrs Omobola Oyewole, a Fida Ekiti member who represented the prosecuting team urged the Court to convict the Defendant and thereby give justice to the victim who has since been under psychological trauma.
Justice Taiwo Taiwo of the Federal High Court Ekiti State, while convicting the Defendant held that the prosecution had proved its case against the Defendant beyond reasonable doubt and lambasted the Defendant for the despicable act noting that Ekiti is noted for honour and dignity. His Lordship, thereafter sentenced Ayan Olubunmi to two(2)years imprisonment with an option of fine of five hundred thousand naira only.
Fida Ekiti believes this is a gender based violence against the victim and totally condemns same. It is a crime against humanity and gross wickedness against womenfolk. It is condemnable and should not be allowed to strive in any civil society.
We commend this judgement and hope it will serve as deterrence to others who are in the habit of abusing and molesting children and girls.
We also call for a review of all laws relating to GBV. It is unfortunate that for this kind of offence the law provides for maximum of three years jail term and an option of fine without looking at making provisions for the adequate compensation of victims of such gory acts.
We use this opportunity to appreciate the efforts of the DPP Min. of Justice Ekiti State, The Nig. Police Ekiti State Command, Fida Ekiti Legal Team and Omobola Oyewole, Esq
Our special commendation goes to the victim of this case who sought for help, spoke out, and who against all odds decided to pick up the pieces of her life to live and not commit suicide.
Olayinka Omodan
Fida Ekiti Secretariat
Oct. 2018
Caveat: Posted as received
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