J.S. Okutepa SAN calls Lawyers to Action

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Senior Advocate of Nigeria and social commentator Mr. Jubril Okutepa has asked Lawyers to quit the attitude of lamenting and condemning vices without taking steps. The Learned silk took to his social media handle to vent his frustration over the lackadaisical attitude of Nigerian Lawyers.

He posed series of questions in this regards.

“I think as members of the noble profession and members of NBA, we have had and have done enough of lamentations and condemnations. Time for actions is now. Why should people invade courts and disrupt judicial proceedings and we just merely condemned it. We should go further and take actions.”

“Who says we cannot stop our members both working in government and in private practices until government is alive to its responsibility.”

“Who says we cannot prevail on the judiciary not to work until their conditions of service are improved. Why can’t we take practical actions to force government to automate all our courts?”

“Why can’t we as members of our professional association do something to save our members from making vain journeys to courts only to be told that the court is not sitting.”

“Who says we cannot do something to ensure that judgments of courts are enforced without undue delay.”

“Why can’t we ensure our members who obstruct the cause of justice and breach due processes, law and order are dealt with promptly and without fear or favour?”

“Time has come for us to put our acts together and take our destinies in our hands. Enough of lamentations and condemnations. Time to act to save ourselves from ourselves in an uncompromising posture is now.”

“Let us pursue justice and get it even if heaven falls. But heaven will not fall if we do want we need to do to make the legal profession, the light of this country so that darkness will not cover us and gross darkness the people.”

“Why can’t we ensure people are accountable? Go to prisons all over and see how people are kept like animals. People who deserve to be in prison are not in prisons. Those who don’t deserve to be there are kept there unattended to. In most cases our law enforcement agents do not do want they are paid to do and we keep watching and doing nothing. People are being slaughtered daily and we sit down and doing nothing. Time to act is now. Enough of lamentations and condemnations.”

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