So Young So Beautiful; Grace Na’anzem Ballanson Passes On

Late Grace Naanzem Ballason
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Her name is Grace Na’anzem Ballason. She graduated from Faculty of Law University of Jos. November 2017 she got married and just this year, she died.

Her friends and family are yet to come to terms with her sudden death which occurred following a brief illness.

Some of the tributes draw tears:

I called you throughout the night, to every place, even to the silent city of the death, but you answered me not. I am greeted this morning by the sad reality of your death. You slept last night, but your heart stopped beating when the rhythm of life, and silence, finally meet. You left on a journey at dawn, but sauntered towards your oblivion and into mysterious unconsciousness, to the hush land of no return. This sad journey, is a journey of no return. You slept last night, a sleep of death, to rise no more.

Wish I could arbitrate a deal with death to gain a moment, just a single moment with you to ease the grief and the stains of pains your death has left on the slate and soul of my heart. Am left with a legacy to live the parting moment when I was told ‘Na’anzem Ballanson is no more’, a moment I would have died to save. The tremor of your departure has resuscitated my hidden emotions and has booked my heart for a carnival of pains too painful to feel.

Haba Grace! You’ve left me to find solace in the memories of the times we shared together. They are still fresh. Our book, the one book we used for over two months to take notes during our court attachment. I saw my notes as well as yours in our book, your phone number you left me in it and these illuminated my mind with the beautiful memories of the times we spend as law students and as lawyers. I still recall your call around 2:00 AM on that day, when you told me you’ve made the Bar Finals. Am still gazing at your Bar Final result you send to me that night, your text message, your Call to Bar pictures…I will forever live to celebrate the times we shared together. While celebrating the memories of the times we spend together, I shall live to mourn the times your absence becomes a reality to live with.

Your death has seconded me to a voyage and a quest for what is life? Indeed, ‘Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing’ as said Shakespeare. Life is the hiatus between birth and death. Life is a flower in the field that blooms now, but soon withers away. Life is a thick smoke that clusters, but vanishes with the wind without a trace. Life is nothing when death is alive

Oh Death, again you’ve manifested callousness, you’ve revealed your mindless madness. You are wicked, heartless, rudeless, diabolic and senseless. You seized just one friend, but you seized the whole world to all who were and are still her friends. She was a friend that meant and means the world to many. A friend I can’t give her testimony because she lived her testimony while she was alive. A friend that a million tears cannot bring her back now, because I cried an ocean of tears, yet she resides at the silent city of the death. A friend that even the most beautiful and powerful words cannot revive. I know, because I have written a beautiful tribute filled with words, yet she is not awake.

Farewell Barrister Grace Na’anzem Ballanson, for thou art too precious for our possessing. Thy night has come, thou sleepeth with thy night. Morning shall surely come, darkness shall surely be broken, when we, with the trump of God and with a loud voice of victory shall examine death, ‘Where art thou oh death, where lies thy sting, where lies thy power.’ Until then, until that glorious morning when all of us shall be joined with you to sing the hallelujah song of victory on that beautiful shore, sleep on… – Emmanuel Hassan

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, close-upI am diminished by the news of your shocking demise Ballanson Na’anzem, i can recall your gentle and easy going personality, always modest and kind in your dealing, it grieves my mind that you have been called home by our creator at the prime of your age, undoubtedly you are stocked with potentials that our generation is yet to explore and reap from, from a distance i have a strong admiration for your unique character and style, God alone has an answer to this deprivation your demise has brought to bare, i share in your loss deeply, and convey my condolence to your husband, your family, our distinguished classmate of 2011 Faculty of Law Unijos, your friends and allies.God grant you eternal rest and spare us the strength to bear loss.

Adiu Grace, rest on my learned friend.- Collins Kingdom

Rest in Peace Dear one!

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