Raise Your Hand if You Don’t Chase Ambulances

Ambulance Chasers
Ambulance Chasers II 2004 Linda Braucht (20th C. American) Computer graphics
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Ambulance chasing was originally used to refer to lawyers with fast cars who try to catch an ambulance (or visit a disaster site) because the sick and injured people in them are potential clients who may have a pretty good reason to sue someone and win the lawsuit. The phrase “ambulance chasing” is often used pejoratively partly because the “ambulance chasers” may justifiably look a bit immoral and egotistically ambitious.

Ambulance chasing is now used to refer to lawyers soliciting for brief. So the question is, how many law firms are chasing ambulance in Nigeria?

Just before you respond please read the sample letter below:



Dear Sir, 


The above subject refers. 

We are a tier one Law Firm in Nigeria. Our practice spans Corporate Practice, Telecommunication, Oil and Gas and Maritime.  

We have participated in complex transactions and our Clients rate us very high in our areas of specialization. 

We are happy to provide our range of Professional services to your organization. 

Kindly find attached a copy of our profile for your kind attention. 

Please be assured of our highest esteem.” 

The above template letter is very common in practice. Not so many can claim

“Innocence” in this regard, in fact the major “culprits’ are the top tier commercial law firms.

What is the intention of law firms who write letters such as the above in the light of Order 39 Rule 3 of the RPC which prohibits a Legal Practitioner from soliciting for professional employment?

Would law firms who distribute Letters of Introduction to companies be liable under Order 39 Rule 3?

Does your law firm issue letters such as the above?

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