Dear Colleagues.
You are aware that we have appointed INEC accredited observers for the 2023 election from across the 128 Branches. The 1st Vice President is the 2023 Chair of the NBA Election Working Group(NBA-EWG). These accredited observers will be issued with tags and identity cards for the purpose of the election observation and that will enable them move around within their jurisdictions.
Notwithstanding and without prejudice to the work of the NBA INEC accredited Observers(NBA-EWG), I have decided that as many of us that will be voting on the Election Day, it will be helpful to collect as much information as we can from our respective polling units. I therefore expect that when we step out to vote and we find any useful information that will assist us in putting our report on the election, kindly oblige us with pictures or video recordings of same. I will share a link for a web based Form that will help in this regard and instructions will be given on the use of the Form.
I will be monitoring the election from the Situation Room at the NBA House, Abuja and your feed back will help a great deal in the statements and or reports we will be issuing on behalf of Nigerians. We have promised Nigerians honest and sincere participation in the process of the elections and this is one of the ways we can achieve that.
Please note that, save for the accredited INEC Observers, no one is permitted to move around on Election Day and this excercise does not in any way instruct or permit any one of us to go beyond our polling units except you are an observer yourself, even then the movement will be as limited by the extent of the area of observation. It is important to also note that we are not permitted to interrogate anyone or question any person who may be conducting himself in a manner that we may consider inappropriate at the Polling Units-not even the NBA accredited observers can, we should ONLY leverage on our devices to capture and transmit to the situation room as noted above. If you see something- don’t say anything to anyone at the Polling Unit, capture what you see and make your notes to us-video, audio or type-written.
I therefore welcome you to this limited observation excercise. This is to compliment the work of our observers and to ensure that we cover the incidents as much as we can. If there are questions or clarifications required, please feel free to call the NBA Toll Free Line 08003331111 and our support stall will be glad to respond. I am also available on 08033114171.
Thank you so much for the sacrifice as we strive towards making our nation a better place, using the platform of the NBA.
God bless the NBA
God bless the Federal Republic of
Yours sincerely,
Yakubu Chonoko Maikyau,OON,SAN