Kelechi Madu Celebrates Call to the Alberta Inner Bar

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Kelechi (Kycee) Madu, the Nigerian born Canadian lawyer and former Alberta minister of justice has been called to the Alberta inner bar.

Read below Mr. Madu’s statement celeberating his elevation:

Yesterday June 2, 2023 marked the highlight of my legal career that spanned two continents in Nigeria and Canada. The Courts in Alberta led by the Chief Justice of Alberta conducted the Call to the Inner Bar ceremony at the Court House in Edmonton for those lawyers appointed King’s Counsel (otherwise known as those who have taken the Silk).

There is insufficient space here to name and thank all those who have played significant roles in my legal career, community, public life and politics. But you should know that I am eternally grateful. None of these were meant to happen in the first place. Yes, born to a Chieftaincy family, I grew up in abject poverty, was not supposed to see the four walls of elementary school talk-less of a university or law school. Miraculously and by sheer dent of hard-work and abiding faith in God almighty, I made it through elementary school, High School, university and law school.

I offer my congratulations to my colleagues for their consequential work that earned them a place in the inner bar.

I want to thank my family: my beloved wife (who to this day is the best legal mind I know) and our three amazing children: Adanaya, Chisom and Ugonna. I thank them from the innermost part of my heart for their love, understanding and support that allowed me the peace and stability to do the things I love. This achievement and honour belongs entirely to them.

To others: my law teachers in Nigeria and Canada, colleagues, friends community members and leaders, political associates and Albertans – thank you. The totality of my experiences and values have shaped who I am and why I am absolutely committed to ensuring a better world for all peoples.

I am looking forward to the next chapter. Thank you!

Mr Madu, relocated to Canada with his wife in 2005. At that time, he had graduated from the University of Lagos with a law degree and had been called to the Nigerian bar. Read more about him here

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