NASS Public Hearing on NITDA Repeal Bill Holds 23rd December

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The Joint Committee of the Senate and House of Representatives on ICT and Cyber Security invites stakeholders and members of the general public to a one day Public Hearing on:

“A Bill for an Act to Repeal the National Information Technology Development Agency Act No. 28, 2007 and Enact the National Information Technology Development Agency Act to Provide for the Administration, Implementation and Regulation of Information Technology Systems and Practices As Well As Digital Economy in Nigeria and for Related Matters, 2022.”

Date: Friday 23rd December, 2022.

Time: 9am.

Venue: Room 231, Senate Building, National Assembly, Abuja

Stakeholders expected at the Public Hearing include: all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the Federal and State Governments, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), the entire business community and the general public.

SENATE COMM ON ICT FP BW 21 12 22-1 (2)

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