As part of the celebration of its 30th Anniversary, the firm of Adepetun, Caxton-Martins, Agbor & Segun (“ACAS-Law”) announces its intention to combine with Dentons, the world’s largest law firm.
ACAS-Law made the announcement on the 1st of April 2021 in an exclusive media briefing.
In attendance was the Global Chairman of Dentons, Joseph Andrew, Dentons Chief Executive Officer for the African Region, Noor Kapdi, Managing Partner of ACAS-Law Mrs Felicia Kemi Segun, Dentons Global Director of Communications, Astrid Egerton-Vernon, amongst others.
After growing substantially across the world since the firm was created in a 2013 three-way merger, Dentons has been intentional about its aspirations to establish operations in the fast-growing African market.Denton’s has over 19,000 people in 203 locations across the world, and as they described, they are the largest firm in terms of size. From a big picture perspective, Dentons aim with this combination is to form the first truly Pan-African law firm; owned and controlled by Africans on the continent, a vision that deviates from the influence and history of colonialism. Dentons already have a significant presence in Africa, with 15 locations across the continent.
Joe Andrew, Global Chair of Dentons, acknowledged the close, long-standing relationship they’d had over the years with ACAS-Law. He explained that this relationship gave them a first-hand understanding of their excellence in quality of legal service, clients’ sophistication, and personnel talent. He declared that it was indeed an honour that ACAS decided their futures were better together.
Noor Kapdi, from his oversight of the Africa region, recognised Nigeria as one of the hottest legal markets and praised ACAS-Law as not only talented but leaders in their industry.
Managing partner Kemi Segun speaking on behalf of ACAS-Law, expressed her excitement about the new frontiers the combination could open. She stated, “We see the Dentons proposition as a platform to launch into the next phase of practice where we leave behind the much-travelled road of internalising growth to within the borders of our country and, moving to expand our horizons beyond our region and continent. It’s about looking further than the eye can see and not being afraid to take that chance to do something different from the norm. So, in view of this, we are following the strategy of businesses, organisations and nations in the 21st century, and it’s no longer about just isolating ourselves; it’s about aligning with the growth track and the expansion of the world systems. It’s about taking advantage of the opportunity to attain global relevance with systems that make us more efficient.
What does this mean for the ACAS-Law Legacy?
The word combination is vital when defining this union. It is the cornerstone of the Dentons system and a big part of why their expansion has been exponential. This means that ACAS-Law will retain its brand and independence as a firm.
Speaking on this, Joe Andrews emphasised the importance of independence,
“We were called the anti-colonial law firm because we have reversed these long historical trends, and we believe the best law is always where the people are closest physically to where the deal has to be done”. He further stated that “We are the fastest-growing law firm period but also the fastest-growing law firm of truly high-quality lawyers. While our competitors ask people to sacrifice their independence, we believe that independence is truly the symbol of the highest law quality. So if you believe the highest quality law is always done by people closest to where the transaction has to be done, then obviously, their ability to give truly independent advice, not influenced by anyone, is exactly what clients need.”
ACAS will have access to the most cutting edge legal technology, a global pool of interconnected law firm and the experiment and expertise that comes with that and training systems for young lawyers of global apex standard while Dentons in return, receives expertise from one of the best firms in the West African region and solidifies its position as a truly Pan-African firm.