2021 Annual Vacation: List of NICN Vacation Judges

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Sequel to the declaration of 2021 Annual vacation by the Court, the Hon. President, His Lordship, Hon. Justice Benedict Kanyip, Ph.D, FNIALS has graciously appointed Four (4) prominent jurists to serve as vacation Judges from 30th July 2021 to 27th September 2021.

While Hon. Justice J. I. Targema and Hon. Justice I. G. Nweneka will serve in Abuja and Lagos Judicial divisions respectively from Friday 30th July 2021 to Friday 27th August 2021; Hon. Justice B. A. Alkali and Hon. Justice S. H. Danjidda will also serve in Abuja and Lagos Judicial divisions respectively from Monday 30th August 2021 to Monday 27th September 2021.

Hon. President, Hon. Justice Kanyip had earlier stated via the annual vacation circular that there will be no normal Court sitting during the vacation period except for urgent applications and normal court sitting shall resume Tuesday 28th September 2021.

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