4th LAWSAN National Convention Holds September, 2020

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1. On behalf of The National Executive Council, I wish to inform Lawsanites across the Federation of the upcoming LAWSAN National Convention; a development that will climax the epic memories of this administration, and as consolation, usher in a new administration.

2. Recall that this administration was officially given birth in the early days of September 2019. We have stuck to our promise – that is: vacating the beautiful linens of office as at when due.

3. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the possibility  of a Convention seemed bleak at first, but after much consultations with relevant bodies and Chapter Presidents across the Federation through the National Conference Planning Committee(NCPC), we came up with a decision that the Convention would hold. As a consequence of the many resolutions reached, we would be having a maximum of 200 Delegates at the venue. Sadly but unavoidably, thousands of our dedicated students would have watch at their convenience in their homes across Nigeria via Live streaming.

 May I spare a moment to thank the Leadership and the entire team of the National Conference Planning Committee: a committee that have been unrelenting in their efforts towards a blissful convention.

3. At Present, arrangements are underway and we are confident that the Convention would hold smoothly as students will be privileged to watch from their homes.

4. Sequel to the commitment of the committee to get all preparations on deck as soonest possible, Registration for the conference ends on the 14th of August 2020.

5. Further communications and updates on plans would emanate from the Leadership of the Conference Planning Committee.

6. Thank you.

7. With assurances of our highest regards.

One LAWSAN, One Nigeria🇳🇬


Sen. Emmanuel Eze Nwobodo

National President

Get Convention Brochure here

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