Learned counsel in the courtrooms
And corporate lawyers in the boardrooms
They have brought before Your Learned selves
A brief that violates practice, ethics and the law,
And sought application of your devil’s advocacy
To skillfully swap a wrong for a right.
Many a guiltless person
Has, this way, been sent to their doom.
Before you trade your decency for a fee.
Remember the sanctity of your identity.
Vive memor leti.
Dear Magistrates of jungle justice,
They have brought before Your Honour
A frivolous charge sheet.
And sought your judicial seal
To remand a suspect for an unfounded sin.
Many an innocent person
Has died this way in our lethal prison.
Before betraying your office and your judicial robe
Remember your duty to often probe .
Vive memor leti.
Honourable Judges in corrupt chambers,
They have brought before Your Lordship
An ex-parte that’ll occasion hardship
And sought the approval of your gavels
To strangulate the life support of another.
Many a judicial indiscretion
Has wrecked the hopes and fabrics of our nation.
Before you don your double-dealing cloth
Remember the sacredness of your judicial oath.
Vive memor leti.
The Wiser Men of the Appellate Court
Sitting as a panel of three or Solomonic five.
They have brought before Your Lordships
An abusive interlocutory appeal.
Your Lordship’s brother in the lead judgment
Has reached his opinion per incuriam.
Do not just concur to this path of errors
Out of judicial inadvertence or ineptitude.
Remember tides and markets come and go
Before you queue on an oblivious row.
Vive memor leti.
My Most Noble Lords at the Apex Court,
Sitting as a panel of five or seven Sages of Greece.
Thou art our judicial actuality
The undying hopes of the majority
And you can order fatality, finality and egality.
They have brought before your noble station
An appeal that’ll make or mar our nation.
Before making judgment that will cause shiver
Remember that nothing in life lasts forever
Vive memor leti.
–Bolaji Ramos, Esq.