Running the masculine race,
Tell me which was born first
Between law and Biology.
If your answer is the former
Then remain in your Atlas’ stand
But if you respond in favour of the latter,
I bet it’s time to call for paradigm shift.
Creation preceded law
First law was made by God.
Biology evolved with creation
Before the first law emerged.
There was Adam
There was gender
There was sex
All before the first law.
There was then Eve
To grace the evening calls.
And there came the law
To regulate all their lore.
Since creation,
Man has been man (with his incidences)
Woman has been woman (with her incidences)
Treaties have created rights (with clarity)
Constitutions have spoken (without obscurity)
If, looking in our mirror of notorious self-truth,
Colonial conservationism
Is still allowed to blatantly defy
Our biological truism
And our sociological modernism
And our practical constitutionalism
To the point that ladies in the profession of law
Are still lored as gentlemen-in-skirts,
Then we may remain motionless in just a spot
Like the carvings on rocks by Homo Erectus.
Running the masculine race,
Had I been in your shoes,
In your skirts, in your undies and in your place,
I wonder what name I would have been called—
A gentleman-lady-in-trousers
A Nigerian-Scot-in-lawyer
A professional dissident
Or simply an anomaly, a misnomer or an oddity.
–Bolaji Ramos, Esq.