Opportunity for Young Lawyers to Attend IBA Annual Conference in Rome

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The Nigerian Bar Association wishes to bring to the notice of all Young Lawyers of a programme by the International Bar Association (IBA) to assist African young lawyers to attend the IBA Conference in Rome Italy from 7-12 October 2018.

In view of the above, interested young lawyers should send in their application in line with the following criteria;

Should have over three (3) years practice experience

Must disclose if they are related to an Officer of the IBA

Must not have attended a previous IBA Annual Conference

Must write a short essay (maximum 500 words) on the topic “Technology`s impact on legal services”

Must have sufficient proficiency in English to benefit from attending, as conference sessions are in English

The applicant should be 35years old or less.

The IBA will send letters and registration forms to the successful applicants. The IBA will also arrange the accommodation for the recipients directly as the applicants will receive a confirmation email to each recipient.

Note also that the recipients will be responsible for booking their airfare, which will be reimbursed by the IBA after the Conference.

To this end, applicants should send their application to sarah.ajijola@nigerianbar.org.ng and copy bukola.ekundayo@nigerianbar.org.ng.

These applications must be received on or before the close of work Friday 16th of February, 2018.

Please note that any application received thereafter shall not be treated.

Kindly Note that this information is for young lawyers ONLY.

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