While at the law school, one of the realities of the profession which never settled well with me is the fact that legal practitioners are not allowed to advertise. If my memory serves me right self, the thing has a provision in the Rules.
So which one come be all these ones wey I dey see in recent times? It appears that the rule has been relaxed for some “big boys” in the industry while it remains strict regulation for those of us who do not have constituency. That is how I saw some of the monitoring spirits calling for the head of one brother like that who decided to join the big boys by force. What happened was that he went to one forum on facebook and wrote something like “need a lawyer on the go, call this line” Some people spoke plenty legalise on top the brother’s head faa. Me, in my usual manner, I was just watching the drama and looking at everybody with the corner of my eyes. So, because the brother does not have money to print his name on a banner in an event and decided to leverage on brother Mark’s platform, all of them now decided to burn his head down for his father abi. Kontinu!
Abi na only me waka come? Una no dey see? Lawyers na them do advert pass self. Lets face it! I was at an event some three weeks ago, and just at the entrance of the venue, I saw a very colourful banner of the event with hundreds of names of law firms competing on who takes the largest space. Abeg, that one no be advert ? Make I hear word jare!
There was a conference again that just ended. Yours truly paid money and was there live! I still saw banners, I still saw names of firms litter the banner.
Me I have concluded in the midst of my confusion that this “do not advertise” has been removed from the RPC applicable to the big boys! Simple!
Therefore, my people in the community of majority, let us attend this Conference 2017 with a resolve to force the ancestors into taking a definite decision on this issue once and for all. What we will do? Because we don’t have money, make we all go to Mushin (for those not in Lagos, Mushin is the HQ of Printing press) You will have equivalent of Mushin in your area, We will all print banner, if you are like me, decide a name for the law firm you will establish one day, we will all go and place it at the event center! Then we will now stay for one corner after and watch someone take us to Disciplinary committee! So who is with me? Oya raise ya hand fast!
My Grouse – venting my frustrations!
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