AOO in Desperate Need of Matured Bar Men

Arthur Obi-Okafor SAN
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Except for organizing get together parties for his supporters or those he thinks are his supporters, Chief Arthur Obi Okafor, SAN is one of the prospective presidential candidates who has been cool, calm and calculated. Unlike other prospective contestants who have been speaking loudly through acts and conducts, AOO has remained unassuming. This statement is however only true of the person of AOO. There are some individuals who have brandished themselves as the “supporters” of AOO. Some even say they are the leaders of his think thank (AOO Think Thank). I have had a few encounters with these individual and the only conclusion I came to was that they must have forced themselves on AOO.

 For now, there is no need to mention names. I am sure if the “forced supporters” of AOO read this, they would know I refer to them. They are all over the social media.. First, they started with creating a parallel NBA Facebook Page where they only allow post in support of AOO. In a bid to sell the already popular candidacy of AOO, they bully colleagues who dare challenge them to an intellectual discuss. Because of their lack of appropriate intellect required for the kind of engagement that would be brought to bare at the forthcoming elections, they resort to vulgarism, abuse, uncouth behaviors, unprofessional conducts and a host of other vices which are negatively affecting the perception of apolitical members of the profession.

Chief needs to carefully carry out an audit of his “supporters”. He needs to strategically identify the ones who are intellectually balanced, politically sound, morally upright and professionally competent to engage the public. If he continue to allow the few that appear to be his “first foot supporters” to continue to disgrace themselves in the social space, Chief would have a tougher time at the polls than he would have if these individuals didn’t associate themselves with him.

Some months ago, the supporters of Mazi was almost going to soil the good chance of the bencher. I called the attention of Mazi to the dangers of the attitude of his overzealous “young lawyers”. He re-strategized, called them to order and they are all now very calm. Chief may probably intend to speak to Mazi to find out how he achieved that feat.

These overzealous “supporters” can be show spoilers if they are not tamed.

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